22.01.2024 News

LEONI AG Chief Executives visited four LEONI plants in Serbia

Achievements and challenges for LEONI Serbia in the effort for profitability

On January 18 and 19, 2024, the company LEONI Serbia was visited by the top executives of the corporation - members of the LEONI Group Board of Directors: CEO Klaus Rinnerberger, COO Ingo Spengler, member of the Supervisory Board Ginther Apfalther and CSO Xavier Paurise.

The guests visited all four LEONI plants in Serbia - Prokuplje, Malošište, Niš and Kraljevo - which are part of the LEONI Serbia company.

First, very informative presentations were arranged for respected members of the Board in all four plants, followed by studious and thorough tours of all production processes.

The top managers of the LEONI company said that the two days spent touring the LEONI plants were impressive, interesting and important. They expressed satisfaction with what they saw and heard in four factories in Serbia. They pointed out that profitability is the main task of every LEONI plant and expressed their belief that LEONI Serbia is well on its way to achieving it. They said that profitability can be achieved through entrepreneurship, efficiency, quality and competitiveness, as well as the commitment of every employee.

General manager of LEONI Serbia Miloš Manić said that it was an honor for him and his team to have respected LEONI Group Board members present the achievements of plants in Serbia, but also the challenges they face. Mr. Manić thanked for the continuous support that LEONI Serbia receives from the management of the LEONI Group.

Press Contact

Bojana Stamenković

Lead Specialist Communications Serbia

Radmila Vesković

Expert Communications Serbia